01 sign page .pdf

02 agenda.pdf

03 length of servcie awards.pdf

04 request to pay bills.pdf

05 RFP 2013-316 audio video for EOC.pdf

06 RFP 2013-316 audio video for EOC pkgs.pdf

07 renewal of RFQ 2011-415 Holmes Murphy.pdf

08 remodeling costs for elections office move.pdf

09 variance application .pdf

10 waive radio fees for mobile command unit.pdf

11 medicaid IGT payments .pdf

12 plan for moving of ME and Elections offices.pdf

13 local gov code 111 0106.pdf

14 local gov code 111 010.pdf

15 terminate armored car service for CSCD.pdf

16 contract with G4S for juvenile offenders.pdf

17 juror payments.pdf

18 dispose of surplus equipment.pdf

19 payment to Explorer Pipeline for ROW.pdf

20 lease agrmnt with DSHS.pdf

21 supplemental proposal with schindler elevator.pdf

22 acknowledgement of ICE P00006.pdf

23 KML engagement letter for the County.pdf

24 KML engagement letter for the Juvenile Justice dept.pdf

25 surplus 3 vehicles and sell on Rene Bates.pdf

26 TCDRS plan 2014.pdf

27 part time employee for Burleson for veterans office.pdf

28 expand veterans office to include room B6.pdf

29 consent agenda.pdf

30 relocation agrmnt with JCSUD.pdf

31 discretionary exemption from competitive bid.pdf

32 Childress Engineers letter re lift station improvements.pdf

33 implement the Innoprise payroll software.pdf