01 sign page.pdf

02 agenda.pdf

03 order 2013 14.pdf

04 treasurers report.pdf

05 request to pay bills.pdf

06 revised plat The Retreat Phase 10.pdf

07 variance for septic in Green Valley.pdf

08 deny variance in Hillcrest Estates.pdf

09 local gov code 111 0106.pdf

10 local gov code 111 010.pdf

11 bank depository contract with FFB.pdf

12 bank depository contract with FFB exhibit A.pdf

13 bank depository contract with FFB exhibit B.pdf

14 bank depository contract with FFB exhibit C.pdf

15 approval for plans for Guinn Gardens at Buffalo Creek.pdf

16 interlocal for funds to construct entrance exit ramps.pdf

17 communication agrmnt with city of Cleburne.pdf

18 1033 Surplus Property Program.pdf

19 fund excess for unemployment comp fund.pdf

20 additional invoice for jail flooring project.pdf

21 price increase from Southern Asphalt .pdf

22 monthly charge for daily deposit pickup for CSCD .pdf

23 TAC property insurance .pdf

24 application for SCAAP Grant.pdf

25 continuation certificate for Dan H Taylor.pdf

26 consent agenda.pdf

27 overtime payment tabled for tornado disaster.pdf

28 hire experienced architect for new medium size jail .pdf

29 perm easement for CR 519 bridge at King Branch Crk.pdf