01 sign page.pdf

02 agenda.pdf

03 length of service awards.pdf

04 request to pay bills.pdf

05 the retreat phase 8.pdf

06 quebe addition.pdf

07 variance request for 2nd home joshua.pdf

08 variance request for 2nd home godley.pdf

09 variance request for septic in godley.pdf

10 consent agenda.pdf

11 local gov code 111 0106.pdf

12 local gov code 111 010.pdf

13 juror payments.pdf

14 interlocal agrmnt for section 5311 program.pdf

15 sheriff and deputies travel to Austion in May.pdf

16 7 employees to attend Innoprise annual conf.pdf

17 jp 4 request for metal detector.pdf

18 new applications for JCHC.pdf

19 JCHC apptmnts for 2013 2014.pdf

20 election systems software agreement.pdf

21 voting machine lease with alvarado.pdf

22 voting machine lease with burleson.pdf

23 voting machine lease with cleburne.pdf

24 voting machine lease with joshua.pdf

25 voting machine lease with rio vista.pdf

26 voting machine lease with cross timber.pdf

27 voting machine lease with venus.pdf

28 voting machine lease with alvarado isd.pdf

29 voting machine lease with joshua isd.pdf

30 voting machine lease with rio vista isd.pdf

31 voting machine lease with godley isd.pdf

32 election agreement with crowley.pdf

33 election agreement with crowley isd.pdf

34 election agreement with venus isd.pdf

35 election agreement with mansfield isd.pdf

36 netdata archive appliance.pdf

37 netdata iticket services.pdf

38 ICE modification P00028.pdf

39 rhino mower for pct 4.pdf

40 transfer portable radios .pdf

41 sales and service agrmnt for alarm APB .pdf