Attached Documents
01 agenda.tif
02 sig page.tif
03 executive agenda.tif
04 proclamation posion prevention week.tif
05 proclamation march for meals awareness month.tif
06 certificate recognition lanna lafountain.tif
07 proclaimation american red cross month.tif
08 budget amendment 111.010c justice peace 2 accurint.tif
09 voting machine lease joshua isd.tif
10 voting machine lease city of venus.tif
11 voting machine lease city of joshua.tif
12 order for local option election rio vista.tif
13 early voting and election day polling locations.tif
14 early voting and election day polling judges and clerks.tif
15 joint eleciton agreement city cleburne and cleburne isd.tif
16 early voting polling locations.tif
17 early voting polling judges and clerks.tif
18 order local option eleciton city cleburne.tif
19 racial profiling report adam crawford constable pct 2.tif
20 consent agenda.tif
21 bills.tif
22 application-petition local opt election cleburne.tif
23 application-petition local opt election rio vista.tif
24 budget amendment 111.010c road and bridge pct 3 road equipment.tif