Attached Documents
01 agenda.tif
02 sig page.tif
03 executive agenda.tif
04 public participation.tif
05 treasurers report.tif
06 rfp 2008_143_b real estate appraiser.tif
07 rfb 2009_221 road materials.tif
08 voting machine lease agreement grandview isd.tif
09 voting machine lease agreement city of grandview.tif
10 voting machine lease agreement rio vista isds.tif
11 budget amendment 111.0106.tif
12 budget amendment 111.010c tech fund jp 1 school.tif
13 budget amendment 111.010c indigent defense grant equip.tif
14 budget amendment 111.010c tech fund jp 2 office and computer equip.tif
15 budget surplus constable pct 2 air cards.tif
16 cooperative purchasing agreement alvarado school.tif
17 9-1-1 address coordinator contract.tif
18 consent agenda.tif
19 bills.tif
20 rfp 2008_143_b real estate appraiser service.tif
21 rfb 2009_221 road materials pkg.tif