Attached Documents
01 agenda.tif
02 sig page.tif
03 executive agenda.tif
04 warren terrell merritt eagle scout.tif
05 proclamation jill kunkel day.tif
06 rfp 2008-150 armored vehicle service.tif
07 rfb 2009-220 aspahlt & emuslified asphalt.tif
08 rfb 2009-223 culvert pipe lining.tif
09 rene bate auction items pct 1.tif
10 rene bate auction items pct 3.tif
11 harrison walker harper construction manager.tif
12 aia document a201-2007.tif
13 aia document b101-2007.tif
14 loan of artwork and artifacts agreement.tif
15 agreement for loan of artwork & artifacts 25k or more.tif
16 budget amendment 111.010c iss van.tif
17 budget amendment 111.010c road bridge pct 3 road equip.tif
18 budget amendment 111.010c sheriff admin pt clk to full.tif
19 budget amendment 111.010c sheriff admin new clerk.tif
20 budget amendment 111.010c sheriff admin computer & printer.tif
21 budget amendment 111.010c tech fund JP Pct 1 confernece.tif
22 budget amendment 111.010c tech fund JP Pct 3 confernece.tif
23 voting machine lease agreement city of godley.tif
24 resolution supporting the rail north texas initiative.tif
25 consent agenda.tif
26 bills.tif
27 rfb 2009-220 asphalt & emulsion asphalt pkg.tif
28 rfp 2009-222 CMAR bid pck.tif